Power of choice:Key to healing yourself from within
The ability or power of choice can be used to improve the Quality Of Life and Wellness
Everyone has got the ability to choose. The ability to decide what to eat each day, what clothes to wear, what restaurants to go to; we have got the ability to choose what we want and do not want in life.
Obviously, there are some things we can’t choose, such as the color our skin, the size of our feet, what day of the week we were born, but we do have the ability to choose something that is really important.
How We Feel
The practice of developing wellness in our lives shows that we have the ability to choose how we feel. We can willfully influence our emotion. We can use mental training strategies such as meditation to promote feelings within our minds.
We have the ability to choose how to react to certain circumstances or to a certain person. That ability to control our emotions so that we don’t fall into negative, degenerative, or destructive thought processes is inbuilt in us. Hence, we can even use the power of choice to heal ourselves of negative situations.
Healing From Within
The power of choice is very similar to the power of intention. When we hold an intention in our minds, we tend to start attracting the result of that intention into our lives. Once we make a choice, the result of that choice into is being attracted to our lives. Therefore, if we learn to be very conscious of our choices we make, and also where our choices can lead us to, we can then learn to remove destructive and negative influences from our lives.
When these negativity and destructive influences are removed from our lives, we feel a universal sense of wellness within our daily way of life. Furthermore, when we can learn to promote this feeling on a regular basis, the natural result we get is healing in the spirit.
What does healing mean?
A person who is incredibly sick and unhealthy physically has the ability to create a feeling from the within that they will become healthy soon. They clear every negative notion of remaining in the sick bed from their spirit. The spirit controls the physical. In a short time, their physical bodies begin to respond the treatment being administered.
Having a complete awareness of what we are, knowing that in reality, everything is okay, and understanding our position and function in life, that is what real healing is about. On the other hand, there is suffering.
Being lost in life, being confused about what is real and what is not, being angry and traumatized by past experiences, holding onto judgments and opinions about people, things or places which lead to a feeling of separateness, these things are all in the realm of suffering.
True healing and true spiritual wellness can only occur when the source of our suffering has been extinguished by no more visualizing them through the spiritual eyes.
Spiritual healing result in Healthy body & mind
We have the ability to choose whether or not we suffer. By choosing not to suffer we are encouraging healing within our spirit. When healing is encouraged within our spirit, this has the natural effect of developing inner peace within our heart.
To truly heal, to remove all of the anguish, all of the confusion, all of the aggression, all of the conflict, all we have do is make a choice, a choice not to suffer, not to feed our problems, but instead, to take up the source of their inspiration.
The Choice depends on you
If we can choose not to promote suffering in our lives, naturally this has the effect of promoting a greater quality of life and greater health. But even if our physical health is bad, as will be the case with most of us as we age and grow older, we can still have a mindset that doesn’t experience this as suffering, but simply sees that it is a part of the natural way of things.
For those of us who have health problems in our younger years, by making the choice to stop doing anything negative or destructive, we can encourage greater physical health as well and mental and spiritual health. In order to do this, all we have to do is make a choice.
What will you choose?
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