
Showing posts from September, 2017

Top Lifestyle Diseases

                                        Heart Disease Heart disease is one deadly killer leading cause of death of men and women in our present day. Although some cases of heart disease have a family history behind it, there is much that we can do to prevent heart disease in the future.   A basic understanding of heart disease is a good place to start.   This occurs when the small blood vessels of the heart become clogged with bad cholesterol and toxins, thereby narrowing of these blood vessels. The clogging particles build up and cause what is known as hardening of the arteries.   Once fatty materials start to deposit into the arteries, it becomes tough for blood and oxygen to reach the heart through those pathways. Hence, the heart can no longer receive vital blood and oxygen. Heart attack occurs.   While some factors such as family history play a role in heart disease, there are also ways to prevent or eradicate the chances of this deadly illness. This can be done...