Overcome that Fear & Worry

The graveyard have been said to be one place with quantum of frustrated talent. This is because a lot of people have died without fulfilling the dreams to their destinies.

Apart from having the resources and time for a project, Fear and Worry is known to be one twin factors that is responsible for people’s failure to achieving their dreams.

Briefly, permit WellBeingDigest to bring you a story and see if you can fetch out a lesson from it;

A young man called Tony was struggling to get out of poverty in one rural community with few basic infrastructures, where he graduated from college. He read many stories about the city life, such as fraudulent people dupe innocent ones, accident rate, failed project and dreams, prostitution among others. He could not imagine himself being a victim of the mentioned social vices. Although, he read of other positive things such as good roads, electricity, success stories but his heart was clouded by the negative sides of the city. After graduating from college, his uncle offered to assist him with some funds, travel to get a job and start a new life in the city. Even though he wished to be in the city, he decided to remain back in the village doing menial jobs. Years after, one Christmas, Gbenga, one of his ex-college friends working as a Manager of a firm in the city visited him. He had plenty of success stories for Tony. Tony was no longer happy as he had permit some built-in excuses (negative belief) to hold him back in life.

From the short story above, Tony capitalized heavily on the negative stories of the city, which in turn became an excuse for fear and worry. He failed to attempt something new. He stopped before ever starting because he was afraid of what would happen to him or even what others may think.



Fear can be simply put as a feeling triggered by anticipated or impending future danger such as threat, disaster or evil.


Worry is a mental agitation of unpleasant things or a potential problem that might happen in a way that makes one unhappy or uncomfortable or emotionally stable.


From the above definitions, one can say the two words are not the same. Fear in some cases can save a life, take for instance Tony was aware of the high crime rate in the city. This was capable of keeping him safe from being a victim as he would be proactive and careful. His fear created by the knowledge of high crime rate has reserved the signal or picture in his brain. But things become bad when he preoccupied his mind with the potential dangers perceived. Hence, his imagination begins to focus too much on the crime perceived images.

Capitalizing too much on the negative past diminishes our ability to interpret the present situation around us. Hence, we become more likely to miss knowledge that will notify us of near impending dangers.

This is why I strongly agree with someone who defined F.E.A.R. as False Evidence Appearing Real. This is true due to the fact that one chose to believe in unreal or happenings of the past, which may not be applicable to our present day.

On the other hand, Worry is the mental fabrication of fear. Man has a great choice whether to worry or not. Hence, worry is nothing more than a continuous fear caused by indecision.



In certain situations, worry can either lead people to make healthy decisions or may even help keep them alive. For example, worrying about impending economic crises can make one invest wrongly and worrying about finances can help prevent someone from reckless spending respectively.

Also, worrying about basic safety can make someone become informed about self-defense tactics, thereby secure or lock doors and windows. But when worry persists, and we do nothing about it but occupying much of one’s thoughts and preventing relaxation or enjoyment of life, it can have a significant negative effect on the Mental Health.

Some people may worry to the extent that they become unable to focus on daily tasks, and others may develop insomnia, unhealthy eating habit or on a worst side, might experience heart attack.

Worry can affect the physical health negatively when the imagination produces a terrifying scenario. In such a situation, the body responds by releasing a number of chemicals, such as adrenaline and cortisol, in the same way that it would if the imagined scenario were actually taking place. These chemicals help people react to danger on a short-term basis, but they also raise the blood pressure, cause blood to clot faster and lead to muscle tension.

On a long term, these effects can reduce immunity and cause illness. Carrying stress in the body may also lead to aches and pains and the development of high blood pressure or other heart related trouble.

In many cases, worry might also reflect one’s reluctance to take action, whereby the individual begin to worry, thereby expressing anger, depression or fear. They start imagining things that might go wrong and becoming preoccupied with potential outcomes. This may facilitate an avoidance of the actual situation. Hence, persistent worry can become a mechanism to avoid problems that one feels unable to solve.



The amygdalae (a section of the brain that is responsible for detecting fear and preparing for emergency events) trigger a chain of biological events and engulf the mind in the fear, even before the conscious mind can assess the situation. This instinctive biological signal is triggered by the brain, which tries to overcome issues by foolishly preparing the body to defend itself, freeze or even flee from the scene of event.



Fear can cause threatening health consequences such as follows;

  • Fear takes control of breathing, digestion, blood circulation.
  • The signals from the amygdalae dilate pupils and increase brain wave frequency.
  • They make hairs stand on end.
  • They reduce saliva, thereby drying the mouth.
  • Fear cause sweating and a decrease in skin resistance to weather forces.
  • Fear decrease peripheral blood flow and cause hands to become cold.
  • The signals speed breathing and dilate bronchial tubes to allow more air to the lungs.
  • The fear signal tighten stomach muscles,
  • It slow down digestion and close down the excretory system.
  • It increases the acids in the stomach, thereby causing diarrhea.
  • The signals travel to the adrenal gland, which produces cortisol, causing an increase in glucose production to provide additional fuel for the muscles and brain to deal with the potential stress.
  • The action above releases sugar into the blood and increases the tendency for blood clotting.
  • They dilate blood vessels to skeletal muscles to allow greater blood flow.
  • They slow down the working of the immune system.



For everyone who want to be free from Worry & Fear, these simple formula can be used to overcome and make them pretty close to being Fearless.

Formula One – Clearly identify the cause of Fear or Worry. Half of the worries and fears will be solved once identified clearly by writing it on paper. What once seemed mighty in your mind will look small and insignificant on paper.

Formula Two – Ask yourself this vital question; What is the worst possible thing that can happen if that, which I fear or worry becomes true?

Make a list a list of possible solution(s) and write them down on paper underneath your clearly defined Fear/worry. At this point, it will be noticed that you about 90% of the fear or worry will never happen? This list will enable you discover how much time you spend on worrying about stuff that never will happen.

Formula Three – Decide in your mind that you will acknowledge the worst possible thing that can happen. Keep telling yourself, I can handle it, over and over again. Since 90% of those things will never take place, then the other 10% will not kill you; Say to yourself  “I will survive”.

Formula Four – Begin to put together an action plans that will ensure the worst never happens. By making positive action/changes and implementing your action plan, your focus will start shifting from your fears to the positive outcomes.

Try this formula today and see. I know it will work for you. It has worked for me.



Fear and Worry over the years has been linked to health issues, including arthritis, migraines, allergies, stomach ulcers and thyroid disease.

Over a lifetime, Worry and Fear builds an additional sensitivity to pain experiences which may have been caused by physical injury, painful confrontations, loss of loved ones, loss of social status, or rejection.

People suffer fears of failing, of being ridiculed, of the loss of loved ones. If a person suffered trauma, such people should endeavor to stay away from loneliness.

Eating well and maintaining physical wellness can often help one in keeping a new positive outlook.



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