
Showing posts from August, 2017

Wise Ways to a Healthier Heart

    Due to the growing number of fatalities attributed heart diseases, there is need to get you informed concerning things you can do to arrest an unhealthy state of the heart. Several changes have altered the original state of lots of hearts. Hence, it is your responsibility to identify those factors that can put the heart in good lasting, working condition.     Wellbeing Digest hereby presents vital information ranging from nutrition to good lifestyle. This will support the health of your heart. Focus on your abdomen: Research into the Journal of the American College of Cardiology has connected excess belly fat to an unhealthy blood lipid level and higher blood pressure. It is time to slim down the extra fat that you have developed around your abdomen. Exercising and eating low-calorie foods can make a great difference. Stop smoking: Smoking is one of the chief risk factors for heart disease. If you use other tobacco products or smoke, the American Heart Associati...

How Identity Theft trouble can alter your Wellbeing

  In a simple term, Identity theft is the deliberate use of someone else’s identity such as social security number and other personal and financial data to gain a financial advantage and other benefits. These days, people are enticed by Banks to get their own credit card. The reasons for doing so are because a cashless economy is being encouraged and offer extreme shopping incentive. Hence, many people tend to be motivated to get a credit card. But do not realize that the way they use their credit cards can greatly affect their Wellbeing. Fraudulent activities by criminals are becoming popular as they target victims that carelessly use their credit cards whenever they go shopping.   People should take note that one of the most prevalent credit card rip-offs in the society today is the identity theft, as no day goes by without such report.   It is important to know how to avoid getting into trouble by;   Protect your vital personal/financial data: Never entertai...

Prevent Food Poisoning today

Food poisoning can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Hence, it should be a high priority to avoid it. Take some time to learn about how to prevent of food poisoning or lessen the chances that you or your loved ones will be included in the statistic of food poisoning. For the fact that the topic is very wide, endeavour to make the teaching simple, concentrating on the most important points such as fundamental rules guiding a healthy food and let them see reasons why food go bad and harm human life. You are what you eat, so take care and add value to whatever goes into you by observing the following points: 1. Be Vigilant about Washing Your Hands and All Surfaces Cleanliness in food preparation is an absolute must. When working with food, you should wash your hands thoroughly before and after food preparation . Wash them properly, for at least 20 seconds with very warm water and soap. Wash all surfaces thoroughly before use, to prevent contamination by anything that may have touched...