
Showing posts from June, 2017

Children Bedwetting, any hope?

Bedwetting occurs at night, often with children who have little or no trouble controlling their bladder during the day. The older children are less likely to wet the bed.   Bedwetting creates anxiety for the entire family.  This makes parents to be frustrated and tired by the extra laundry, drying mattresses, and time set aside in reassurances that follow each incident of bedwetting.   One may ask, what are the basic causes of bedwetting? Few causes of bedwetting include ailments such as; urinary tract infections, allergies, diabetes, cell anemia, sleep disorders Having taken excess prior to going to bed. . Although, researchers have found that psychological reasons such as stress, upset, and trauma often contribute to bedwetting.   Teenagers who wet the bed often suffer from low self-esteem, withdrawal, stress, fear, and other problems.  These children may suffer from insomnia because they fear or are ashamed of what happens while they are asleep.   Many parents won...

Your Immune System: a bio-powered Fighting Machine

    Our bodies are built with the immune system to fight off infection and disease. It is stronger than any antioxidant or antibiotic out there. Hence, we must do every to protect our immune system with good nutritional foods, clean environment, and better lifestyles. Don’t think you are safe just because you wash your hands a few times a day. Bacterial and viral agents can enter the body many different means.   Let’s have a look at some examples that illustrate steps of what happens when disease-causing bacteria enter your body.   1.     Bacteria or viral organisms enter your body through touch, sneezes, physical contact or through other mechanisms. Keep in mind if someone coughs, their phlegm may spread over 350 feet, meaning whatever illness they have will shower the people around them unless they cover their mouths. That is why it is so important to close your mouth and cover your mouth if you have to cough or sneeze.   2.    Your body’s immune system receives a...

Friendship: a key to Divorce Prevention   Lots of marriages these days are faced with the critical challenges such as spouses holding an adulterous affair, battling and quarrelling nearly every day, inability to reconcile emotional and mental differences, third party interference in the marriage, a yearn for the return of good old days relationship or even a crave to stop an impending divorce. I refer to all these as critical challenges because they are capable of jeopardizing our wellbeing if not checked. If you find yourself in the above states of affairs identified, this piece will be beneficial and valuable to you, regardless how stubborn the opposition, how far your spouse might be from you, how hopeless your state of affairs seem.   Friendship has been noticed to be a tried, true and proven technique that can positively influence your marriage, once employed. In marriage, friendship is forever. Even if we move out of...

Stress and Vital Human Organs

Life is full of struggles and questions. Just as the planets travel oscillate around the sun in obedience to nature, so man, on each, make effort to make ends meet. Human beings strive not only to make the present day comfortable but strive to correct the past and even prepare for the future. In the face of these multiple struggles, circumstances have their own rules to play. And when they do not dance to the time table of man, Stress set in, and gradually impact on our vital Organs.   If Stress becomes part of everyone’s daily lives. Should one then give in to it? Stress can affect your body in ways that can have a long-lasting impact on your precious health. Here are some ways stress can affect your health through the vital body organs:   The Effect of Stress on the Brain – Stress can cause you to lose your concentration and memory abilities. When you are under stress, the brain associated with memory, do not work well. Hence, you cannot turn short-term memory into lo...

Stop your Anger

Anger is a strong emotion that is caused by loss of self-control . Although anger is normal due to today’s fast-paced life, anger can lead to other emotions such as bitterness, vengeance or hate and might cause health problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack or depression. Some might counter anger through food or alcohol. Whenever you feel any negative feeling rising within yourself, use these simple techniques:   Take a walk and do some light exercise. -Stretch out; take a deep breath to let your brain get enough oxygen to analyze the matter. Ensure you repeat this to clear your mind before taking any action. However, it might be necessary to get away from aggravator until your anger subsides and then only you try to handle your situation. Anger can be caused by frustrations. To express your frustrations, being angry will only worsen the situations. Be calm, clear your mind and express your frustration as assertive as possible without being confrontational and controlli...