Children Bedwetting, any hope?
Bedwetting occurs at night, often with children who have little or no trouble controlling their bladder during the day. The older children are less likely to wet the bed. Bedwetting creates anxiety for the entire family. This makes parents to be frustrated and tired by the extra laundry, drying mattresses, and time set aside in reassurances that follow each incident of bedwetting. One may ask, what are the basic causes of bedwetting? Few causes of bedwetting include ailments such as; urinary tract infections, allergies, diabetes, cell anemia, sleep disorders Having taken excess prior to going to bed. . Although, researchers have found that psychological reasons such as stress, upset, and trauma often contribute to bedwetting. Teenagers who wet the bed often suffer from low self-esteem, withdrawal, stress, fear, and other problems. These children may suffer from insomnia because they fear or are ashamed of what happens while they are asleep. Many parents won...