• Mosquitoes bite deposit malaria parasite called Plasmodium in the victim’s body.

• The plasmodium finds its way into the human liver, where it takes a new form and begin to multiply and infect the red blood cells.

• At this point, one may ask; what about the immune system? The immune system is often weakened by the plasmodium.

• The malaria parasites hide inside the red blood cells and not easily captured by the immune system.

• The red blood cell gets burst after it becomes saturated with the malaria parasites. The immune system often takes advantage of this cell burst time to attack.

• The Mosquito go to rest to digest the blood and wait for the eggs to be mature.

• Malaria is characterized by fever, back pain, general joint pain, severe headache, abnormal sweating even when the temperature of the environment seems normal. In the case of children, it is accompanied by Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

• Malaria patient often experiences a low amount of urine and loss of appetite.

• The immune system basically can attack the plasmodium when the red blood cell saturated with the Plasmodium is burst. And not all malaria parasites in the burst is attacked by the immune system.

• During this burst, the victim begins to experience an intense headache, joint pain and generally, fever. This could be the reason why doctors also prescribe pain-killer along with the malaria drug for the cure.

• The bites of Mosquitoes are extremely dangerous to children because of their developing immunity and pregnant women.

• The remainder of the Plasmodium killed by the immune system have some very good tendencies of altering the state of the later.

• Malaria has been and is claiming a very large number of lives in a continent like Africa. This is due to the warm weather/climate which has made it an exceptional disease-prone environment. Poor governance also limits the eradication of Malaria as there are inadequate public health services and many breeding areas in the continent.

• Mosquitoes is a tiny insect, scientifically classified as Culicidae. It is one of the most dreaded insects because of its disease-causing effect.

• Mosquitoes have four stages of life cycle namely; egg, larva, pupa, and the adult stage.

• There are over 3000 species of Mosquitoes, but our common worry is the Anopheles, which is the carrier of malaria.

• Mosquitoes basically feed on the juice of fruits, crops and plant nectar. However, only the female mosquitoes feed on blood from its victims to develop her eggs laid in the stagnant waters or pool.

• Worse still, the female mosquitoes live longer than their male counterparts.

• The Mosquitoes has a complex system around its forelegs that finds out its prey even in the dark.

• Even in the dark, the Mosquitoes is attracted to the heat from human skin and Carbon dioxide is given off by human breath.

• As the Mosquitoes insert it PROBOSCIS into the victim’s skin, it heat-detecting properties identifies the bloodstream which is warmer than the outer and inner skin.

• Mosquitoes live even up to 45 days. As they die off, the already laid eggs continue its metamorphosis, making its eradication even more difficult.


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