Stop your Anger
Anger is a strong emotion that is caused by loss of self-control. Although anger is normal due to today’s fast-paced life, anger can lead to other emotions such as bitterness, vengeance or hate and might cause health problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack or depression. Some might counter anger through food or alcohol. Whenever you feel any negative feeling rising within yourself, use these simple techniques:
- Take a walk and do some light exercise. -Stretch out; take a deep breath to let your brain get enough oxygen to analyze the matter. Ensure you repeat this to clear your mind before taking any action.
- However, it might be necessary to get away from aggravator until your anger subsides and then only you try to handle your situation.
- Anger can be caused by frustrations. To express your frustrations, being angry will only worsen the situations. Be calm, clear your mind and express your frustration as assertive as possible without being confrontational and controlling.
- Do some exercise; it is a good way to release your steam if you feel that you have a lot of pent up anger inside yourself. Physical activity is able to stimulate your brain and body to release endorphins and make you feel happier and relax.
- Hold fast to your values. Think of your personality and what you strive to be. Do you want to be someone who uses anger to get what you want? There is goodness inside everyone and it is just waiting to be unleashed. Make good use it!
- Think before you speak. This is to avoid making the situation worst and allowed a few moments to collect your thoughts before bringing up any points.
- Search for solutions instead of blaming others. Sometimes littlest things could make you angry but it is possible to resolve it instead of focusing on it.
- Forgive the person in the wrong. Do not allow anger to control you until you hold a grudge against that person. Being able to forgive someone will bring out positive feelings within you and make you feel better.
- Laughter is the best medicine. Try to ease the tension through laughter. It can help both sides to view things in a better light.
- Try to relax. Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to help calm your mind and diffuse your anger
- Understand your opponent. Try to look from your opponent’s point of view. Anger can blind you from absurd and funny reasons of why you are angry with someone.
- Say your prayers and be grateful. Instead of being angry, try to look for things that make you feel lucky for being alive. It might be your good health, your work or just seeing a sun shining brightly above you.
- Write down the reasons for your anger. Once you write it down in details, review it once more. You might find that the reasons seem very important at first but once on paper, you will feel that the reasons are insignificant. Throw or burn the paper to shift all your anger.
Do’s and Don’ts: The Best Way to Manage Anger
Anger is experienced by everybody. However, different people handle anger differently. Anger can be an indicator that there is something wrong and things needed to be changed. It can be a good self-motivator if managed in healthy ways. However, anger can also cause health and relationship problems. Several people do not know how to deal with anger as it is a powerful and potentially destructive feeling.
With proper examination and management technique, anger can be used to influence your health, relationships and overall happiness in a positive way.
It is very importance to understand the root cause of your anger. It could be due to stress, insomnia, food deprivation and others that make people generally irritable. However, try to identify the specific reason for your anger. This can be done by keeping an anger journal to record what reason for your anger for a few weeks. Then it is possible to discuss the issue with a good friend or see a Counselor to uncover any source of anger if the matters could not be solved by you. Once you are more aware of the cause of your anger, steps can be taken to deal with it.
After understanding your anger, it is important to express your anger in a constructive way. Research has shown that writing about your anger and expressing it in a constructive way helps in reducing the negative mood and pain associated. By writing it down the feelings that have been bothering you and working through them on paper, you are actively doing something with your anger instead of letting the anger aggravate inside you and making you feel terrible.
It is not good to preoccupy your mind with anger as it is one of the biggest don’t in dealing with anger. Research has shown that people who tend to preoccupy your mind with anger tend to experience high blood pressure resulting in greater risk of organ damage and associated health challenges.
It is also important to remember that over-discussing anger could backfire. By discussing anger with a trusted friend can help to plan an effective strategy in countering it. However, by repeatedly talking about the topics that angered you with your friends can make both felt worst and increased stress hormones in the blood. People tend to complain especially women who tend to occupy their minds with complaining which turn into a decline of negative emotions. So it is better to change the topic before it gets that far.
However, if you wanted to talk more about what makes you angry, it is better to seek professional help as a therapist has more helpful ideas on dealing with anger.
Why should you Control your Anger
These are reasons to keep you from blowing your head up.
- Anger can cause irrational actions which will be reflected badly on your personality
- Most times, unwise words are spoken during in anger. Control your emotions and think before speaking in a hurry. These words, once spoken are not retractable.
- Anger will only hurt the person who is angry. The person on the wrong side, most time escape unharmed.
- Anger will lead to shame.
- The end result caused by anger can be more destructive than the reasons of anger.
- Being angry is just falling into a trap that someone sets up so that they can conquer you.
- If you are angry at someone’s fault, turn to yourself and study your own faults as well. It might not be the other person’s fault.
- Getting angry over a minor setback might cause your dignity
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