Your Environment Is Attacking You

Our environment, among other things such as Lifestyle, Diet, and Fitness & Exercise is one of the Pillars of Health.

The Environment is being degraded at a faster rate as our population increases. Today’s environment is burdened with pollutants capable of bringing your life to a premature end.

Wherever you are, and no matter what you are doing, the world around you

is attacking you 24/7 and, if your wellbeing matters to you, then you need to start learning about it right now and how you can help the environment to sustain its healing properties such as discovering what you can do to slow down the effectiveness of the elements that the world is constantly making upon you and your body!

These destructive environmental elements include:


Free Radicals

In simple scientific explanation, our bodies are made up of millions of different types of cells. These cells comprises of molecules, which are made up of atoms.

The nucleus at the center of these atoms is surrounded by a cloud of electrons.

In a normal healthy cell, these electrons surround the nucleus in pairs, but just occasionally an atom loses an electron, leaving it with an “unpaired” electron.

This atom is referred to as ‘free radical’.  It is very reactive, because it will now actively seek another cell to ‘pinch’ an electron from.

Thus, it sets off a chain reaction of highly unstable and extremely short-lived

free radical cells destroying healthy cells.

During their fleeting existence (estimated at a trillionth of second!) these

highly unstable particles can inflict considerable harm on your body.


Free radicals leave a virtual killing field of destructions, punching tiny holes in cell membranes. Hence, altering the cells molecular blueprint.


It must be noted at this point that not all free radicals are harmful. Some of these Free Radicals arise normally during metabolism, and sometimes the body immune system deliberately creates them to help to neutralize viruses and bacteria.

Generally, the body can handle free radicals, but if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur.

Free radicals are a major contributory factor to many medical conditions and illnesses, which alter our WellBeingwell . It can be said to be the ’ prime movers’ behind the basic human aging process and illnesses such as Heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes,  and even obesity.

Although some people believed that the number one factor that dictates how fast a person will age is genetic, free radicals are also an extremely important factor here.


But, what are the causes free radicals?

Excessive free radical formation in human cells can be induced through exposure to such things as environmental pollutants, industrial chemicals, agricultural pesticides, cigarette smoke and radiation which is the most common cause of cancer today.

Living in a densely pullulated environment means that your health is under attack by free radicals.


It’s time for you to start fighting back


Oxygen is the giver of life to all creatures . At the same time it is also our long term mortal enemy too. Oxygen involvement in all of life’s processes lies at the very heart of the human aging process, as it is the primary molecule involved in the production of free radicals.

Oxidation is the gain of oxygen while Anti-oxidants are substances that inhibits oxidation in our body. Hence, can be seen as the front line defences against free radical induced oxidative damage.

The power of anti-oxidants lies in the fact that they can safely interact with free radicals and halt the chain reaction that they instigate before vital molecules are damaged.


The basic anti-oxidants are quite easily obtainable, as the three main ones are vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-carotene

Vitamin E: or alpha-tocopherol is a fat soluble vitamin present in fish oil, seeds, vegetable and nuts, whole grains (eg. wheat germ), fortified cereals, apricots etc.

Vitamin C: or ascorbic acid is a water soluble vitamin present in citrus fruits and juices, green peppers, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, kale, kiwi, and strawberries.

Pro-vitamin A: or Beta-carotene (retinol) is present in tomatoes, egg yolk, milk, butter, spinach, carrots, squash, broccoli, yams, liver, peaches, and grains.


Nutrition wise, a good starting point would be to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day. That would certainly provide a healthy dose of all of anti-oxidants shown above, as well as a significant proportion of your required daily fiber as well.


The next thing that you might want to consider is whether you should you should boost your levels of these vital anti-oxidants, as well as other vitamins and minerals, by using a good quality dietary supplement.

Certainly, doing so will ensure that you have sufficient levels of all the necessary vitamins and minerals on-board to stay in the best of health, as vitamin deficiency has been proven to be a major cause of many medical conditions.  (Caution: consult your medical officer)


So, it certainly appears that supplementation will help in your daily fightback against an environment that is, quite literally attacking you!

Our depleting environment is fast attacking our health. Hence, do not be tempted to wait to fall ill before fighting back. Only for those that cherish their WellBeing.



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