Forgiveness is a voluntary and conscious decision to let go of negative feelings about someone. On the other way round, Unforgiveness has to do with keeping grudge and failing to let go of other people’s ills and short-comings. Unforgiveness often store  anger, resentment and hostility but once the decision for forgiveness is activated, the negative feeling is replaced with compassion and empathy for the person who wronged you. People who…

Psychology of Infidelity

Why do people cheat in relationships and what’s the way forward ? From the foregoing, it’s clear that infidelity is a mental process occasioned by the function of learning techniques that happens over time. The Psychology of infidelity oftentimes is a function of societal permissiveness for men to seek out other partners while this shouldn’t be practicable to women folk. Thus, in most cases, men engage in infidelity more than…

Natural Cure For Ovarian Cysts

Natural Cure For Ovarian Cysts   disease is a chronic condition that can take a toll on the physical, mental and emotional well being of a woman. The conventional medical approach cannot really help the individual cure and prevent the condition, as the root causes of this condition as well as the manifold complications associated with this condition are not addressed by the common conventional treatments of ovarian cysts. Hence, today…


•    Caffeine is a stimulant which occurs naturally in tea leaves and other plants like kola, coffee bean and cocoa pods among others. •    It has no nutritional value. Hence, the body system does not primarily need it to perform any of its function. •    According to research, it is known that Caffeine relaxes the muscles separating the Esophagus from the stomach. The result of this action is an increase…


• Mosquitoes bite deposit malaria parasite called Plasmodium in the victim’s body. • The plasmodium finds its way into the human liver, where it takes a new form and begin to multiply and infect the red blood cells. • At this point, one may ask; what about the immune system? The immune system is often weakened by the plasmodium. • The malaria parasites hide inside the red blood cells and…

Tips to Eliminate Refined Sugar

  In order to eliminate refined sugars, you need to have a plan. Listed below are ways to eliminate refined sugar from your diet:   1. Cut down on sugary beverages =:  There are many sugary beverages you need to avoid, such as fruit juice, fruit drinks, energy drinks, coffee drinks, sweetened waters, and soft drinks. In fact, most apple juice in our markets can be a combination of 100 percent…

Choosing a Life Partner Will Make or Break You

Growing up somewhere in Nigeria; divorce, separations and single parenthood used to be something we watched on the TV, read in magazines and gossip tabloids or even heard about once in a very blue moon, in fact, most of our parents couldn’t even comprehend the word itself. Fast forward a few decades, divorce and single parenting now seem to be the situation in vogue almost as if it is a…

Loneliness and Being Alone

    Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling of isolation, disconnectedness or abandonment. It may sound quite scary to hear that the feelings of loneliness have been linked to depression, loss of sleep, an increased risk of stroke and high blood pressure.   It can also be said to be a feeling of disconnectedness or isolation that makes it almost difficult for one to communicate or associate with others.    …

Top Lifestyle Diseases

                                        Heart Disease Heart disease is one deadly killer leading cause of death of men and women in our present day. Although some cases of heart disease have a family history behind it, there is much that we can do to prevent heart disease in the future.   A basic understanding…

Wise Ways to a Healthier Heart

    Due to the growing number of fatalities attributed heart diseases, there is need to get you informed concerning things you can do to arrest an unhealthy state of the heart. Several changes have altered the original state of lots of hearts. Hence, it is your responsibility to identify those factors that can put the heart in good lasting, working condition.     Wellbeing Digest hereby presents vital information…